Knitwhitties: A Little Knitting Nothing

I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex. - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Knitting Plans, Or the Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men Gang Aft Agley

Or something like that... You could look it up, if you really care. At the moment I don't, particularly.

The Boy and I are getting ready to visit relatives. The car is mostly packed up. I have a small bag of clothes for myself, and one for The Boy. There is a small Christmas bag of presents (cash doesn't take up a lot of room, and the kids love cash). There is a much larger bag of Christmas tasties and other food. An insulated bag is waiting to be packed, with ice, to remain cold for the duration of the ride. The alcoholic beverages will be in that bag.

But the largest packing conumdrum consists of knitting. There are four large bags of knitting projects, and two smaller bags of possible knitting projects. I'm trying to stuff all of these into a larger bag, so I only have to carry one bag. If I do bring everything, it is obvious that I am completely insane, or vastly over-rate my knitting speed. I intend to finish Arwen. I want to knit, in it's entirety, a sweater of Sheep Shop 2 yarn. I'm bringing some cottons so I can finally make some market bags. I'm bringing two skeins of Lang Tosca to make an I-Don't-Know what. But something, I'm sure. Five skeins of Elsebeth Lavolde's cashmere to make Fiona Ellis' Leaf Tank. 10 skeins of Cascade 220 to make two or three Gryffindor scarves. A little Manos to make mittens to match the hat and scarf previously made for the boy. The patterns to make these things. I keep going through my stash to see what else I can bring, along with its pattern, in case I run out of something to knit. Socks? I have socks I need to make. Lace? I have lace I need to make. The 3500 yds of oxblood alpaca? I should do something with that. I have every knitting needle I own, including the Signatures I just got for Christmas (thanks, Uncle!), every pair of scissors, every single small bag for knitting notions, several larger bags to hold these projects, and the large overnight bag I'm hoping to stuff all of this into.

Even if I stay awake 24/7, doing absolutely nothing except knit, I won't finish any one of those projects, never mind all of them.

Yeah, I'm certifiable.

Happy New Year!! And may your knitting be filled with FO's!


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